Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Shocking Video by LAV

Last Monday, the 25th of October, LAV and 13 other animal rights organizations had a press conference at city hall in Rome and they presented this video showing not only this mistreatment of the horses in Rome, but the total disregard for the laws that have already been implemented. The WONDERFUL Minister of Tourism, Michelle Brambilla is for a total ban on this useless, cruel, and outdated industry. We at Horses Without Carriages International ROME say BRAVA to Ms. Brambilla. We also say BOOOOOOOOOO!! to the Pdl leader, Luca Gramazio, who has said publicly that Rome needs even MORE regulations, not abolition. Um, what we want to know is how can you say regulation and welfare work after seeing this totally blatant disregard for the weak welfare laws that already exist? Please email Luca Gramazio at: luca.gramazio@libero.it, segreteria@realtanuova.com

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Demonstration Saturday November 6th Against Carriages in Rome

Saturday, November 6 · 12:00pm - 3:00pm

LocationPiazza San Marco

Created By

More InfoSabato 6 novembre, 100%animalisti organizza a Roma, dalle 12.00 alle 15.00, un presidio contro le botticelle.

Appuntamento ore 12.00 in piazza San Marco (in fianco a piazza Venezia)



Saturday, November 6, 100% Animalisti a Roma, from 12.00 to 15.00, a defense against the horse drawn carriage.

Meet at 12.00 in Piazza San Marco (in next to Piazza Venezia)

Get involved!